Sunday, March 6, 2011


Dragology for Beginners
Chapter 2
Hey all of you Princes! You are now on your way to becoming Kings! The last chapter just quickly talked about picking a name for yourself and working on getting your swag down tight. In this chapter we are going to be talking about dress and music together because depending on the type of music you are doing decides how you dress.
Now the next thing you should start thinking about is what kind of style or artist you want to portray. Some people do stick to one style of music like Rock or R&B, or they portray just one artist like Usher or Justin Bieber. Other performers switch between different artists and different types of music because it keeps your performances interesting and people aren’t seeing you do the same thing over and over.
First we are going to talk about one of the hardest types of drag there is and that’s ‘Illusionists’. Drag ‘illusionists’ are Kings who make their selves look and act exactly like a specific artist. When doing illusions you have to be very careful, because if the roster says ‘Usher illusionist’ people come to see someone who looks, and acts, and performs exactly how Usher would on a live stage. This type of drag needs a lot of research and a lot of costuming and dance moves. Everything down to the way they talk and walk. There is some big money in being an ‘illusionist’ because a lot of clubs will book you simply because you do Usher or Jason Derulo or whoever.
Another form of drag, which is the most popular and easiest to do is called ‘interpreter’ drag. Most kings do this type of drag because it allows you to let your own personality show through into the way you move and dress. Basically what you do is study the song and then you make up your own routine and outfit based on your personal preferences. So you essentially act as if you were the original artist and you do it the way you would had. This leaves room for a lot of fun and creativity.
Well I think that is about it for this chapter, i know it was short but we will get more into dress in another chapter. If anyone has questions feel free to send in your questions and I will personally answer everyone of them. J Peace.

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