Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Facial Hair

Dragology for Beginners
Chapter 4
Facial Hair
Alright men after you bind yourself the next step is to apply facial hair and to make your face more masculine.
So materials that you will need.
1.      Eye shadow (I know you thought that you would never have to wear any again, well you were wrong.) The color eye shadow that you need depends on the color of your hair. If you have black hair you need a grey eye shadow, if you have dark brown hair you need a dark brown eye shadow a little lighter than your hair color, if you have light brown you need a light brown eye shadow, if you have blonde hair you need a very very very light brown and a bit of yellow eye shadow.
2.      Eye brow pencil. The same rules as above apply for the color.
3.      A small make up brush.
4.      Spirit Gum (You can get spirit gum offline or at almost any costume store there is.)
5.      Hair (When you get a haircut you can save the clippings and cut them up very fine in a plastic bag. Or you can get a wig/Barbie doll/baby doll with the same color hair you have and get the clippings from there.) (Note: For best results you should use your natural hair.)

Alright now that you have all of these things, it’s time to turn that face into a man’s.
Step one: Finding your face.
You need to decide on the type of facial hair you want. The point in Kings using facial hair is to make their faces look more manly. One thing you need to change is your jaw line. Women have a round jaw line when men have a square jaw line so your facial hair should square your face and bring out your jaw line. You need to decide if you want a full beard, just side burns, a goatee, a mustache, however you want your style to be and if something doesn’t work right the first time you can always change it.
Step two: Shadowing.
Once you figure out where you want the hair you bring out the eye shadow and makeup brush. You take the brush and dab it into the eye shadow. Then draw in side burns connecting it with your hair, down your jaw line and then along the bottom of your jaw to your chin and repeat for the other side. (Refer to Diagram A.) Next you go along the line you just created adding shadowing to your cheeks, along your chin and on your upper lip. (Refer to Diagram B.)
(Diagram A.)

(Diagram B.)

Step three: Eyebrows.
Now you take your eyebrow pencil and lightly go over your eyebrows to make them thicker. Bring them in towards your nose a bit as well so it squares off your brow. Once you shape them the way you want, go back in with a piece of tissue and feather the lines so it’s not so sharp. (Refer to Diagram C.)
(Diagram C.)

Step four: Applying hair.
Alright guys now we get to the fun part. Actually applying the hair to your face. Take a clump of hair out of your bag and break it up a bit. Then open your Spirit Gum and apply it along the line you created earlier. Only do a little bit at a time because you have to make sure you get everything even and the Spirit Gum dries pretty fast. Once you brush on the glue, pinch some of the hair between your thumb and finger and dab it along the glue until it gets to the thickness you want it. Then repeat the process until you have hair everywhere you want it. (Note: You do not have to put hair everywhere you put the shadowing, just were you drew the darker lines.) (Refer to Diagram D.)
                                                                   (Diagram D.)

Step five: Trimming up.
After you have the hair where you want it and make sure it’s even and there are no gaps it’s time to do some trimming. Take two fingers and place them on either side of the hair line that you made, lightly brush them down the line so the line gets straight and there are no crazy hairs poking all over the place. Then get close to the mirror and it helps to have a light in front or above you so you can see all the out of place hairs, just gently pluck them, but try not to pull a lot of hairs out at once. You may have to go back and touch it up with the spirit gum, but like everything else you will get better with practice.
Congratulations! You have officially learned the basic fundamentals of being a Drag King! You should be taking your time to perfect these past few chapters. Don’t rush into it. This sort of thing takes time and practice and if you don’t win a competition your first time, don’t sweat! Just by getting on that stage you have succeeded more than most people have!
Now this isn’t the end of your training, more chapters will be coming soon so no worries. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences with us then send them in! Peace out my young Kings!

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