Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting Started

Dragology for Beginners
Chapter 1
Getting started
Alright all of you drag enthusiasts listen up, my name is Alex Star and I will be your guide into the world of Drag. Everything you will see and hear is a collaboration of personal knowledge from all of the best and well known Kings in the country so take out a pen and some paper and let’s get started.
The number one first thing you need to do when you are thinking about doing Drag is come up with a name for yourself. Now you can always change your name later on, but a Drag King’s name needs to be something that everyone will remember and that will define you as a performer and a person. It can be a normal name like Alex Star or Shane Knight, or it can be more creative like Aquis Moonshine or Nation Tyre. It all depends on who you want to be.
So the first thing you have to know about being a King is attitude. Drag Kings have a certain attitude and stage presence about them. It’s cocky; it’s strong; it’s confident. You have to believe when you are on stage that you are the sexiest, best performer out there and that everyone in that club came there to see just you. Once you have that in your head, you are invincible. Everyone will bow down to you because you are the King. If you are confident on stage, the audience will sense that and that gets them pumped up and more willing to hand out that cash. Stage presence is the most important thing about being a King and it’s the hardest thing to accomplish.
Now a lot of people think that because they have stage freight or are really shy they can’t do Drag and they are wrong. Because Drag isn’t about being you on stage, it’s about being an artist. It’s about becoming a completely different person and portraying that to other people. You can be a super shy person as you, but once you get in your costume you become an actor and everything flows from there. Stage presence doesn’t come to you over night. A lot of times it is something you have to work for. The more and more you perform the easier it gets and the more comfortable on stage you become.
Also you don’t have to be butch or even gay to be a Drag King. A lot of femme girls and even straight girls do Drag and some of them are the best Kings in this business so don’t let those obstacles discourage you.
Something else you will have to learn is that fame and fortune doesn’t come to you easily or quickly, it can take months, or even years, but if you keep working at it you will accomplish what you started all of this for. Drag isn’t just a hobby, it’s a life style and if you are serious about doing it then it becomes a huge part of your life. Soon all of your friends and the people you know are the people you have met through Drag.
Alright guys well that is all for Chapter 1. I am in the process of writing the next chapter right now, so keep a watch out. If you have any questions send them in and I will answer them all or if you have an idea for a chapter let me know and I will cover it. Peace.

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